Friday, May 1, 2009

Flowing on - Or, the journey of discoveries

The river, then, flows on... Floating on it are the dusts and dead remains of yesterdays long gone. And yet, in its beds, the yearnings for a happy tomorrow still take root.
Now wandering away, now flowing back into its course, it moves on. On and on, forward, without stopping. Can it stop, even if it wanted? Stopping time would be as easy!

Where is my destination, it asks itself. It wonders, why do I flow like this? Why am I as I am? What made me like this? What is the real purpose of my flow, of my own existence... Am I just meant to nourish others whom I meet along my long winding course? Is there anything that I get from life? What do I have to accomplish before I reach my destination?

What about the ones I meet on my shores everyday? I do meet a variety of different people... People (and things) that are so very different from each other in so many respects... and yet, I am able to see that in reality each and everything that I see is one and the same in essence. The same as me. The soul that runs through me as my life, my current, that determines my direction and my destiny, it is the same that is in everyone else!

I am on a long journey - a journey of discoveries, of surprises and uncertainties... a journey that I don't know the beginning or end of... I am discovering new things each day... learning from my experiences and that of others... I am on a constant quest... of knowledge, of wisdom... of truth.
I am discovering myself... I am getting to know about and around me. This learning experience is so satisfying... and yet so much remains, so much, that I am not content with what I have learnt. It makes me thirst for more, more...

This journey will continue... may it bring peace to all!

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